Conseil d’administration

Compassion, engagement, leadership

Le Conseil d’administration de VON Canada réunit des chefs de file des domaines des soins de santé, des soins infirmiers, de la gestion, de la finance, du droit, des ressources humaines et des technologies de l’information.

Forts de plusieurs décennies de service bénévole communautaire partout au Canada, les membres du Conseil comprennent les enjeux sociaux et de santé qui préoccupent aujourd’hui les Canadiens. Tout au long de leurs carrières respectives, nombre d’entre eux ont activement plaidé en faveur d’un système de soins de santé plus fort pour notre pays. Tous sans exception ont la passion du service à autrui et désirent profondément faire une différence. VON Canada compte sur leurs conseils et orientations pour mener à bien sa mission qui est de bâtir une société en meilleure santé pour tous les Canadiens.

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The organization has been innovative from the day it was founded by Ishbel Aberdeen who more or less created home care in Canada. It’s an honour to work on a board with an organization with that kind of history and that long-term contribution to health care.

– Cyndy De Giusti, Past Chair

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VON Canada Board Committees

As the Board, we have a number of standing committees, that support our oversight responsibilities and effective governance of VON Canada.  Additionally, we may introduce additional standing or ad-hoc committees as needed, particularly for strategic initiatives or areas requiring specialized expertise.

The Executive Committee facilitates the efficient and effective operation of our Board by acting on our behalf, particularly between meetings and / or in matters of an urgent nature.  Composed of the Chairs of VON’s Board Committees, as well as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board, the Executive Committee enables us to operate in an agile, responsive manner to support VON’s mission, vision and values. 

The Governance Committee ensures that VON has the appropriate structures and processes in place to enable effective corporate governance.  The Committee provides oversight to ensure that we, the Board, are operating in compliance with law and governance best practices, including making recommendations with respect to Board composition, the Board nomination process, orientation and continuing education for the Board. 

The Finance and Audit Committee assists us in fulfilling responsibilities relating to financial management, including recommending for approval the annual budget, the audit process, financial reporting and corporate controls and financial risk management processes. The Committee also provides advice to management on IT matters and reports to the Board on VON’s information security and cybersecurity risk and mitigation measures.

The HR Committee provides guidance and oversight on human resource issues affecting VON, helping us ensure that we remain the organization of choice in the home and community care sectors.  In particular, the HR Committee provides guidance on labour relations, employment matters and respecting assessment and succession planning for the office of the President and CEO.

The Quality, Risk and Client Safety Committee ensures excellent quality of services provided by VON. The Committee provides oversight of risk management in VON service delivery, assessing risks and mitigation factors, including processes, tools and practices to ensure a culture of client safety, quality care and protection of client privacy.

The Pension Committee oversees plan administrator and sponsor functions relating to the VON Canada Pension Plan.  The Committee acts in the best interests of plan members, exercising care, diligence and skill in the administration of the plan and the investment of the pension funds.  The Committee reviews and monitors the pension fund’s investment performance, oversees regulatory compliance and filings, reviews the plan’s governance structure and administration policies, and makes recommendations to our Board.