Fall Bereavement Support Sessions
Bereavement Support Groups - Our groups provide a supportive and compassionate atmosphere for sharing and listening. Facilitators and group members attend all 8 sessions, allowing for a greater level of comfort in discussing relevant topics. This Fall, we are offering both in-person (Owen Sound and Hanover) and Zoom support groups.
The Drop-In Chat is an informal opportunity to receive grief support in a safe, compassionate environment with others going through similar experiences. Drop-In Chats occur on Zoom every second Tuesday at 9:30 am starting September 13, 2022.
Mindfulness and Grief Webinar series is a nine week Zoom webinar series about how Mindfulness practice can be incorporated into daily life and be used as a tool to help cope with the grief journey. The series starts Monday September 26, 2022 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
VON provides one to one telephone bereavement supports by trained volunteers. It is an opportunity where the grieving individual can speak openly about their feelings. Each individual can expect to receive a weekly call from a volunteer once a match has been made.
For further information or to register, please contact: Ingrid Bell MSW at 519-376-5895 ext.260 or ingrid.bell@von.ca