550, avenue Ingersoll
Woodstock ON N4S 4Y3
Téléphone : (519) 539-1231
Téléc. : (519) 539-2926
Heures d'ouverture : De 8 h 30 à 16 h 30
VON site is the lead agency for the Ontario Student Nutrition Program-Southwest Region (OSNP-SW).
OSNP-SW administers funding for meal and snack programs as well as provides program support to 480+ schools across Southwestern Ontario.
The Southwest region is comprised of the following 8 communities: Chatham-Kent, Elgin, Grey-Bruce, Huron-Perth, London Middlesex, Oxford, Sarnia-Lambton and Windsor-Essex.
For more information on the Ontario Student Nutrition Program, please visit - https://osnp.ca/our-communities/oxford/ or email osnp@von.ca