
VON Connect project update: our Pictou County, Nova Scotia pilot site is paving the way for the province

Two people looking at a tablet together

In our previous VON Connect project update, we introduced you to the new medication module, which was the last-but-not-least added feature of our new digital health solution, VON Connect, powered by AlayaCare, implemented at our beta site, VON North Bay and Porcupine, Ontario. 

We’re pleased to report that our Pictou County, Nova Scotia pilot site officially went live on May 27, 2024! This implementation includes all of Pictou County’s programs, including Home Support, Visiting Nursing and Community Support Services, including Meals on Wheels, Transportation, and Adult Day Program.


Since January, our Pictou County site has been working diligently through their VON Connect implementation plan with the support of the VON Connect project team. We are well on our way down the path to digital transformation, thanks to the hard work of many dedicated team members.

“Everyone is working so well together. Our go-live went as smoothly as possible because of how well integrated this team is,” says Mona Teed, who is Director of Home and Community Care for Pictou County and Cumberland, as well as a VON Connect site sponsor and champion.

The project requires the collaboration and cooperation of the entire Pictou team, and there are multiple detailed processes that help to ensure a transformation of this size goes smoothly. 

“As VON Connect, powered by AlayaCare, is implemented across the province, our hope is that other sites will benefit from the work completed and lessons learned in Pictou County as the pilot site,” says Heather Anderson, site lead.

Stay tuned for photos and stories from the launch!

Donate to support VON Connect and the new medication module today
While our team works together to roll out this technology, we are also working behind the scenes to raise the $10 million required to fully implement VON Connect throughout our organization. 

With your support, we can raise the necessary funds so we can continue to meet the home and community care needs of the communities we serve, today and into the future.

For more information, and to donate, please visit: