VON achieves 20-year BPSO status

VON has once again been designated a Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) through the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO).
BPSO designation recognizes and supports the implementation of best practices at the organizational and system levels. VON has proudly achieved BPSO status for the past 20 years!
“Having BPSO status means that we have demonstrated our commitment to evidence-based practice and quality patient care,” explains Olesya Kochetkova, Professional Practice and Quality consultant. “There are many healthcare organizations around the world that have BPSO status, and we are proud to be in good company.”
RNAO creates and publishes best practice guidelines for clinical, system and healthy work environments that are then implemented on an international level across healthcare organizations.
VON’s status as a BPSO is reviewed every two years by a BPSO coach. VON has to meet several reporting requirements, including:
● Implement at least two best practice guidelines in a 24-month period
● Commit to the sustainability of implemented best practice guidelines
● Submit progress and final reports on our work as related to BPSO
● Meet with RNAO twice a year to discuss updates and BPSO efforts
● Sustain Best Practice Champion capacity within the organization by certifying clinical leads and regulated staff as Best Practice Champions
● Attend BPSO Knowledge Exchange Symposiums held on an annual basis by RNAO
● Participate in the Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship Program
● Integrate BPSO designation within the organization
● Present BPSO work at conferences (local, provincial, national or international)
● Share learnings, developed materials and achievements through the wider healthcare community
“In the past few years, we have implemented best practice guidelines on palliative care, falls prevention, people- and family-centred care, preceptorship in nursing and adopting ehealth solutions,” explains Olesya. “We look forward to leading the work on best practice implementation and delivering quality patient care within the home and community care sector.”
If you are a VON staff member who is interested in getting involved in BPSO work and becoming a Best Practice Champion, please contact pqr@von.ca.
About RNAO
RNAO is the professional body representing registered nurses, nurse practitioners and nursing students in Ontario. They advocate for healthy public policy, promote excellence in nursing practice and power nurses to actively influence and shape decisions that affect the profession and the public. Click here to learn more: https://rnao.ca/bpg/bpso