Recipients of VON Canada Awards put VON values into action

Each year, we present the VON Canada Awards to employees and volunteers who have made considerable contributions to the organization and to their communities, putting VON’s mission, vision and values into action in the work they do to benefit clients every day.
The 2024 VON Canada Awards were presented virtually at the Annual General Meeting of the Board of Directors on September 24th. Cyndy De Giusti, outgoing Chair of the Board, and Jo-Anne Poirier, President and CEO, recognized the remarkable contributions of these worthy award recipients:
Lady Ishbel Aberdeen Award
VON awarded its top honour—the Lady Ishbel Aberdeen Award—to Marusia Preece, a leadership volunteer and retired nurse. Marusia joined VON in 1981 as a district nurse in Sarnia and later transferred to VON Windsor-Essex. She retired as a nurse manager in 2005. Marusia became a Community Corporation Board member in 2008 to help build VON’s profile in the community, advocate for home and community care with local government and fundraise for essential programs and services. She has since contributed to the launch and success of many local VON programs and supported the growth of signature fundraising events.
In accepting her award, Marusia noted that she doesn’t plan to stop contributing to VON any time soon: “VON has become a second home and a home with a second family. My commitment to VON has been fueled by my colleagues and my friends and my family—their enthusiasm, their dedication to VON, their passion for VON. I will always be a VON-er.” Marusia added, “May we work together as a team to make sure that VON is the leader in community nursing and community care, and that we are the service provider of choice. May we become the strength in the healthcare sphere.”
Lifetime Associate Award
Linda Menard-Watt is the winner of the 2024 Lifetime Associate Award. Linda played pivotal roles as a director with the Windsor-Essex Community Corporation and in the joint work of the three Erie St. Clair Community Corporations. She also served on the national Joint Planning Committee (JPC), where she was an enthusiastic advisor for more than nine years. Although she’s now retired from that position, Linda’s work can still be seen in initiatives that the JPC had an active role in, including the Integrated Fund Development and Allocation Plan and advocacy strategies. She has been instrumental in successfully fulfilling fundraising and advocacy initiatives in her region, has led strategic planning sessions regionally and was an engaged stakeholder during the national strategic planning sessions in 2018.
Linda says, “I have learned so much from the VON family and feel that, over the years, I have received as much or even more from VON than I have given.” She thanks the staff and volunteers who have supported her over the years. “I have always been impressed with the quality and dedication of the both the national and local staff and leadership. I feel humble because there are so many deserving VON volunteers, many who are undoubtedly more deserving of this award than I. My own Windsor Essex board has and has had many dedicated, loyal and competent individuals who have donated their time and efforts for the advancement of VON and our health care. I accept this award on their behalf and on behalf of all volunteers whose service to VON makes this the outstanding organization that it is.” Linda notes that VON has become like family. “I will endeavour to support and promote VON services and activities as long as I am able.”
Awards of Distinction
The recipient of the Volunteer Award of Distinction for Ontario is Mary Ellen Player. Mary Ellen has worked with VON Dorchester’s Adult Day Program (ADP) for the past 20 years. Following her retirement in May 2024, she continues to dedicate her personal time to the program. Mary Ellen’s hard work in support of the ADP includes leading the Access to Care Redesign Committee, resulting in the standardization of Adult Day Programs as well as the expansion to full-time delivery throughout the Southwest region in Ontario. The team tells us VON Dorchester has many long-standing community partnerships thanks to Mary Ellen’s involvement.
In accepting her award, Mary Ellen said, “I believe in what VON does for the communities that they support. We are a vital part. And I think for me, the best part of all of this is that you still get to be amongst your friends. You still get to enjoy the company of the clients that you're helping with, and you do get a lot back from the clients. If more people volunteered, they would realize how rewarding it is to be a volunteer, how rewarding it is to care for those who need a little extra help to get through their day. And I'm just thankful that I am able to do that. I love what I do, and I'm going to continue to do it.”
The Volunteer Award of Distinction for Nova Scotia was awarded to Valerie Stanley. Valerie was a licensed practical nurse with VON Colchester East Hants and Cumberland for the past 25 years. Although now retired, she continues to volunteer her time and efforts with the nursing supply delivery program. Due to her incredible dedication and outstanding work as a volunteer in this capacity, she was offered a paid position. Valerie chose instead to continue giving her time and energy solely as a volunteer. Colleagues note that Valerie’s previous nursing experience and knowledge is an extremely valuable asset to the volunteer work she now does to support the team and organization.
After receiving the award, Valerie noted that she has enjoyed all of her years of working with VON. “When I retired, I didn't know what I was going to do,” she said. “I enjoy giving back. I enjoy preparing the supplies for the clients, and I know that the nurses appreciate those things being there when they get to the home. I just want to thank everybody for recognizing my volunteering, and being part of the group.”
The recipient of the Staff Award of Distinction for Nova Scotia is Kayla Smith, Director of Home and Community Care, who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and accomplishment in the community of Annapolis Valley. Kayla has been with VON for 10 years, and has led the Annapolis Valley team in the successful implementation of VON Connect, the Occupational Health and Safety project and CAPABLE in recent months. She empowers her team to be collaborative and actively involved in program implementation and decision-making, always ensuring employees and clients feel heard through all organizational initiatives. Kayla sits on multiple committees, advocating for community health and ensuring VON has a voice. Kayla leads with a people-centred approach, having quality client care and safety at the top of her mind, and always striving for VON excellence to ensure clients and their families receive the best care possible.
In accepting her award, Kayla noted, “I love VON and what we stand for, and I appreciate all those kind words very much. I could not and would not be able to do this, though, without the incredible team that I work with. And so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank them. Much like the hospice team that was nominated, it should also be a team here to have won this award. So thank you very, very much.”
The Staff Award of Distinction for Ontario was awarded not to an individual this year but to a dedicated and collaborative team—the VON Durham Hospice Services Team. With a person and family-centred care approach and with strong local partnerships, this team provides care from diagnosis to bereavement, addressing the comprehensive needs of clients. The team has excelled in providing culturally considerate care, including initiatives in marginalized communities, and advanced care planning. They have been acknowledged throughout the community for their work and are a key partner in their regional Ontario Health Team. Team members are: manager Jessica McGeough, Kathryn Campanelli, Danielle Belliveau, Maria Tayag, Lydia Tippins, Maureen Chomica, Stephanie Byfield, Eva Papachristu, Laura Wilson, Graham Burlton, Lauren Palmer, Regine Leung, Louise Lush, Renooka Misir, Sarah Hadfield and Brenda Derdaele.
In accepting on behalf of the team, Sarah noted: “I recognize how unique it is for a group to receive a nomination of this sort, and I believe that reflects how special our small but mighty team is. Each day, I am fortunate to witness the impactful difference this team has in the lives of so many individuals and families across Durham Region.” Sarah added, “It would be impossible to describe all the values and attributes housed within our team and the reasons behind today's recognition. However, I would like to share the ones that stand out to me. We are a team that's committed to learning, one that leads with empathy and compassion, quick to advocate and become social justice warriors, educators and exemplary leaders in hospice and palliative care. A special thank-you to our leadership team for their guidance and support. This is integral in order to foster an environment where growth is possible.”
Congratulations to our winners! We are proud and grateful to have each of these award recipients as members of our VON team!