Board member
Alison McKay brings experience with accounting, financial management and pension policy to the VON Board of Directors.
Alison McKay is chief executive officer of the Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan (SHEPP), the largest defined benefit pension plan in the province, serving over 60,000 members and 50 employers. Prior to her appointment as CEO, Alison served the organization in various senior leadership roles, including chief financial officer, director of finance and administration and operations manager. Before joining SHEPP, she held various pension administration and financial management roles with SaskTel and SaskEnergy.
In addition to VON, Alison serves on the pension board of the United Church of Canada. She has completed the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program and the Berkeley Executive Leadership Program and has earned certificates from Foundations of Trust Management Standards and Pension Plan Administrators.
Alison is a chartered professional accountant (CPA). She holds undergraduate degrees in mathematics and business administration from the University of Regina.